Friday, June 25, 2010

Ease-Out: Day 1 And 2

Hi everyone...back to tell you how my ease-out period went!!! Day 1 was Orange Juice Day...check out the picture above of me on Day 1 of Ease-Out from detox (Orange Juice Day)...wearing the color orange to celebrate the day...LOL!!! I consumed orange juice the entire day.

On Day 2, I consumed orange juice in the morning. For lunch, I ate Roasted Red Peppers and Clam Bisque soup that was absolutely delicious!!! In the evening, I ate an avocado chopped into bite sized pieces sprinkled with a little sea salt, black pepper, and cayenne pepper. I continued to drink the orange juice.

And, guess what??? I lost another pound!!! So, that makes 12 pounds lost so far!!!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 10 Of Detox...My Detox Is Over...I Did It!!!

Hi everyone!!! Day 10 of my detox is over!!! I did it!!! I set a goal for myself, I stuck through it, and I completed it!!! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! I'm so proud of myself and I feel absolutely GREAT!!! My skin and nails look great! No swollen ankles!!! I just feel HEALTHY...looking forward to starting a healthy way of eating, once again, and sticking with it this time...that's another one of my goals!!!

Ok..I know many of you are anxious to know how many pounds I lost during the detox.

DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I lost 11 pounds total during the 10 day detox...that averages about 1 pound a day!!! YAY...what a way to jump start my weight loss and fitness journey this second time around!!!

My body is not quite ready to dive into my new, healthy way of eating just yet. I have to go through an Ease-Out period for 2 days. If you immediately start eating solid foods after the detox, you risk constipation and stomach cramps. The first day (tomorrow) will involve consuming orange juice and broth. The second day (Friday), I will still consume orange juice, but I can start eating light soups and/or stews. Once the Ease-Out is completed, I will begin my new, healthy way of eating!

I guess you're wondering why I have the photo of cayenne pepper displayed. is for a very good reason! I plan to incorporate cayenne pepper into my daily diet.

Cayenne pepper can help boost your metabolism.

* Cayenne Pepper Moves blood. Hence it increases your circulation. This herb moves blood faster than any other herb out there (maybe even faster then most fat burners).
* This herb has the ability to speed up circulation within seconds of ingesting it.
* It has the ability to stimulate and accelerate your metabolism which in turn provides energy and weight loss.

I will more than likely consume the cayenne pepper by adding it to the lemon water I drink...for 8 ounces of lemon water add 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper. No maple syrup will be added as in the case of the lemon cayenne detox drink. Maple syrup was added for the detox drink to act as food and a source of energy during detoxification. I will be eating food, therefore, there is no need for the maple syrup. I'm not much of a water drinker, so drinking lemon water spiced with a little cayenne pepper will help me with my water consumption. You may opt to take cayenne pepper capsules twice a day instead.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 9 Of Detox

YAY...Day 9 of my detox is completed...1 more day to go!!! I spent the majority of the evening researching more on the pescetarian diet and finding some tasty pescetarian and vegetarian recipes. I caught my mouth watering looking at all of the pictures of the various dishes...LOL.

I ran across an interesting article concerning starting a pescetarian diet. I found the article helpful to, not only me, but anyone considering a pescetarian diet! The article was as follows:

10 Ways To Become A Successful Pescetarian

Posted Thu, 08/20/2009 - 11:35am by Liora Hess on

So you're convinced of the benefits of excluding all meat other than seafood from your diet but not quite sure where to begin? Here are some tips to help make your transition to pescetarianism a healthy and enjoyable one.

1. Have an adventurous spirit.

Contrary to popular belief, vegetarians and pescetarians have seemingly endless menu choices. Determine that you're going to be open to trying any food at least once. You're about to embark on a journey that will have you trying many new foods and recipes and discovering new things. Who knows where this path may lead? Go ahead and let yourself get excited!

2. Keep a journal.

What are your reasons for becoming a pescetarian? It's a good idea to start your journal by writing these out. Your list will be handy to refer to if you find your resolve waning. Also consider using your journal to record things you've tried, what you like and dislike, websites and cookbooks you've discovered, and more.

3. Ease into it.

While some have gone "cold turkey" on all meat but seafood, you may find it helpful to try to slowly reduce the meat you're eating. Perhaps eliminate red meat from your diet first. You could also designate a day of the week as vegetarian or seafood day, and then gradually increase the number of days you're eating no other meat.

4. Educate yourself.

Learn when various fruits and vegetables are in season so they will be at the height of their flavor as well as cost-effective. Read about nutrition for vegetarians and pescetarians to ensure you're consuming a balanced diet.

5. Try the meat substitutes.

There are now a myriad of great tasting faux meats available, from corn dogs and ground "beef" to "chicken" patties and barbecue "ribs." Soy is often a main ingredient in these foods and can be an excellent source of protein. If you're not expecting meat substitutes to taste exactly like real meat, you'll probably be more pleased with them. Faux meats are usually quite heavily processed, so not ideal for using as the basis of your diet, but they can help you transition to becoming a pescetarian. Some popular brands of meat substitutes are MorningStar, Boca, and Gardenburger.

6. Get some resources.

From educational sites to recipes databases, online resources for pescetarians abound. Vegetarian magazines include Vegetarian Times and Vegetarian Journal. An excellent line of cookbooks that include some seafood recipes are the Moosewood cookbooks. Experimenting with vegetarian meals that includes fish rather than a fish-based menu will also free you to try the many delicious vegetarian options available.

7. Grow some food.

Your recipes will taste better if they're made with fresh ingredients, and what could be fresher than a beautiful tomato just picked from your organic garden? Concerned about space? Nearly anyone can create a container garden on a porch or deck. Even without a porch or deck, you can grow some organic herbs on a windowsill. For more on container gardens, see and Vegetable Gardening in Containers.

8. Join a club.

Talking with other pescetarians and vegetarians will give you support. Search online for clubs, societies, and other organizations of like-minded individuals. Getting together with others face-to-face has its benefits, too. A popular site for local groups is If you can't find a local group, consider starting your own. Undoubtedly others will want to join.

9. Visit local vegetarian- and pescetarian-friendly restaurants.

Search the Internet for local vegetarian or vegan restaurants, but also try pescetarian/vegetarian dishes at restaurants that also serve meat. Keeping a record of what places you've tried and the foods you've sampled at each will help make your journal a wonderful resource for you to refer to. HappyCow,, and and are all sites that you can use to search for vegetarian-friendly restaurants in your area.

10. Keep trying new things.

Any diet consisting of the same recipes is going to get boring. Make a commitment to yourself that you'll try a new recipe or a new food every now and then to keep things fresh. Flexibility is key when making any lifestyle change, and this is particularly true when changing your diet.

Concerned about the mercury content in fish? Stay tuned for more information on how to select the best fish for your health.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 7 & 8 Of Detox

Hi everyone!!! I have no new news to report. I'm still experiencing the energy, glowing skin, sense of well-being, etc. I am now finishing up Day 8 of the detox and feeling absolutely GREAT!!! I have 2 more days to go, then I'm finished...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!

I visited Trader Joe's today and purchased some good, healthy food to eat once I finish the detox. Upon completion of the detox, I will go through an ease-out period for about 2 days, at which time, I will only consume orange juice the first day. During the second day, I will introduce light foods into my diet like soups...maybe a few veggies and fruits. After the second day of the ease-out period, I will be able to start my diet of choice---a pescetarian diet.

With the pescetarian diet, I will be sure to monitor the fish I eat. Some fish have high levels of mercury. I've done my research and created a list of fish safe to eat and a list of fish to avoid. I plan on consuming fish no more than 3 days a week.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 6 Of Detox

Checking in!!! YAY...Day 6 of my detox is completed!!! Today seemed to be the easiest out of all the days! I was able to venture out to the natural food market and look at different types of food I will incorporate into my pescetarian diet, once I complete the detox.

Yes...I've decided to become a pescetarian. For those of you who don't know what a pescetarian is, it is one whose diet includes fish but no meat. According to Wikipedia, a pescetarian is one whose "diet includes seafood and excludes other animals. In addition to fish or shellfish, a pescetarian diet typically includes some or all of vegetables, fruit, nuts, grains, beans, eggs and dairy". bowel movement today. I think this is a sign that all waste has been removed from my digestive system. I guess I will have to wait and see what happens tomorrow.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 5 Of Detox

Hi everyone! I can't believe I'm halfway through this detox...Day 5 is completed!!! Today, I didn't have any drastic changes...still have glowing skin, energy, frequent bowel movements, no swollen ankles, and good sleep.

The only other observation I will add is:

~ Weightloss

I'm physically seeing the weightloss now. I hopped on the scale this morning and was surprised at what the scale read. I won't tell you how much weight I've lost so far (I'll leave it until the end of this detox), but I will say the pounds lost are significant to me.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 4 Of Detox

Checking in everyone!!! Day 4 is completed!!! I'm still feeling great...on top of the world!!! It seems as each day goes gets easier. Besides yesterday's observations, I have two more to add:

~ More frequent bowel movements - I'm finally starting to really get rid of the waste. The cleansing recommends drinking 32 ounces of sea salt water a day to get bowels active. I opted not to add sea salt to the cleansing. I just couldn't see myself drinking sea salt water, on a daily basis, for 10 days straight. So, I opted for the alternative----drinking herbal tea in the morning and before bed each night.

~ Skin has a wonderful glow to it!!!

I'm SO glad I decided to try this is totally doing a GREAT job cleansing my body!!!

SO LONG DAY 4...ON TO DAY 5!!! I'm almost halfway there!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 3 Of Detox

Hi everyone!!! I'm on a roll...Day 3 is completed...YAY!!! I can't tell you how good I felt today. I haven't felt this good in a LONG time...LOL. I got through the day with no problems at all.


~ Lots of energy
~ Skin starting to look nice and clear
~ Getting a good night's sleep (YAY...I need it!!!)
~ A sense of well-being (just plain feeling good...LOL)
~ No swollen ankles (AWESOME!!!)

When it comes to my problem with swollen ankles, it feels good to know I've discovered the diet. Today, I really had time to sit and meditate on the thought of having swollen ankles, off and on, for 6 months...NOT A GOOD FEELING!!! At times, it was scary not knowing what was causing the problem...could it be something serious?

This detox is revealing so much to me about myself, my health, my diet, my lifestyle...and how much I want to have a healthier lifestyle. I want to live healthier, not only by what I put IN my body, but also by what I put ON my body.

I never knew going natural in all aspects of your life could be this fun and exciting!!! Lord...I want to thank you for uncovering my eyes and revealing to me the path I should take with my health...thank you for guiding me along the way.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 2 Of Detox

Yes...Day 2 was a breeze to get through!!! Awesome!!! I had no hunger pains! I was able to be around people eating food without wanting food to eat. I consumed my 1.5 liters of lemon cayenne detox drink and sipped water for the rest of the day. If the remaining 8 days go like this, I will DEFINITELY get through this!

Today, I had a tremendous amount of energy...LOTS of it!!! I felt great!!! It has been awhile since I've felt so energetic. I had been feeling tired and sluggish.

A new observation was encountered today....a chemical metallic taste in my mouth. This is a sign of detoxification...YES!!! Toxins are being released from my body!!!

Something else was observed today...NO SWOLLEN ANKLES...YAY!!! Ok...mentioning this leads into briefly explaining another reason for this detox.

For the past 6 months, I have been experiencing swollen ankles quite frequently. First, I thought the swollen ankles were due to being on my feet most of the day at work and having to stand while servicing my Sisterlocks clients. But, I started noticing swollen ankles during times when I had not been on my feet for a long period of time. NOT GOOD!!! I started to worry about what may be causing my ankles to swell.

I thought to myself, "Lord, why is this happening? I'm in my mid 30's and experiencing issues like this!"

This was a wake-up call...enough was enough...stop mistreating my body!!! The swollen ankles are due to a number of factors...excess weight, poor diet, lack of water to flush out toxins, consuming food high in salt, etc.

That day, I again made a healthy promise to myself. But, this time, I will follow through with that promise!!!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 1 Of Detox

Hi everyone! I just wanted to check in and let you know I survived Day 1 of the detox!!! Here's a recap of today:

I woke up at 7:00 a.m. to get ready for work. I'm usually off on Mondays, but a co-worker was on vacation so I had to go in to work. After getting dressed, I headed to the kitchen to prepare a day's supply (1.5 liters) of the lemon cayenne detox drink.

On the way to work, I drank 16 ounces of the detox drink. Throughout the day, I continued to sip on the detox drink.

Around 11:00 a.m., I started to feel hunger pains. I immediately took a sip of my detox drink and the problem was more hunger pains. By 2:00 p.m., I had consumed my entire day's supply of detox drink. I continued to sip on water and eat ice for the rest of the day.

I noticed, in the afternoon, that I seem to have more energy...I think the detox drink was starting to take effect.

After work, I had an appointment with a client, then returned home around 9:15 p.m. I prepared and drank my laxative herbal tea around 9:30 p.m. I relaxed for the rest of the evening.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Getting Ready...Let's Do This!!!

Hi everyone! Well...I've stocked up on what I need to start the Master Cleanse: Lemon Cayenne Detox!!! I'M READY!!! There has been much talk about this particular detox...if it does the body good or bad! I've done my research, over the years, and found more positive things about this detox approach than negative ones. So, with that said, this is MY method of choice...LOL.

Here's my plan:

~Master Cleanse/Lemon Cayenne Detox for 10days, starting 6/14/10
~ Ease Out Of Detox with Orange Juice, 6/24 through 6/26
~Introduction Of Soup/Fruits/Vegetables, starting 6/26

~Exercise (Start off with 1-mile walk at least 3 days a week, gradually increase distance over time)

Recipe for 8-ounce portions of Master Cleanse/Lemon Cayenne Detox:

~8 ounces of filtered water
~2 Tablespoons 100% Pure Grade B Maple Syrup
~A PINCH of Cayenne (Red) Pepper

Here are some very, very important facts (in case anyone wants to do the master cleanse):

* Remember that the syrup and the lemon juice will displace the filtered water. If you fill the bottle up with too much filtered water, there will be no room for your lemon juice or your maple syrup.

* The Maple Syrup MUST be Organic Grade B Maple Syrup. It's important...There are no preservatives in it and no artificial sweeteners.

* DO NOT USE TOO MUCH CAYENNE PEPPER...YOU ONLY NEED A PINCH!!! If you use too much cayenne, you will render your drink undrinkable. The cayenne pepper is used to keep off any nausea you feel throughout the detox. Plus, the cayenne pepper will help in the cleansing.

* If you start feeling nausea during the detox then there are two reasons:

1. You haven't consumed enough calories. The maple syrup is your food! It is not just an organic sweetener thrown in there. You must include a total of at least ***1,200*** calories in your diet or your body WILL shut down from lack of caloric intake. It's not healthy. MAKE SURE THERE IS ENOUGH MAPLE SYRUP IN YOUR DETOX DRINK.

2. You didn't put any Cayenne Pepper or NOT ENOUGH Cayenne Pepper in your detox drink. You need to put it in there. It isn't just to add spice to your drink, but it actually combats any nausea you feel naturally.

* Do not take any supplements, vitamins, or anything of the kind during the detox. You don't know how they will react to your detox. Never detox or start any exercise/diet program without first talking to your doctor. Especially if you are taking anything like this or medication for health reasons. You don't know how they will react. DON'T TAKE THE RISK!!!


Friday, June 11, 2010

Picking Up The Pieces...Starting Over On This Journey

Hi everyone! I never thought I would be coming back here to say I'm starting over with this journey. Initially, my plans were to start this journey, succeed, and continue the success as a lifestyle and way of life for me.

Well...I WAS succeeding with it...lost 25 pounds and completed the Climb Chicago challenge. But, I couldn't keep the weight off as planned. I've gained all of the weight back I've lost...NOT GOOD!!!

Now...I'm back embarking upon this journey once again. Two days from now, I will begin to detox my body for 10 days...then gradually introduce HEALTHY solid foods back into my diet.